Selection of publications by the Zine Club
Zine Club first emerged two years ago within these walls, and later debuted at illustration festivals including the Ukmukfukk Zine Fest and the exhibition and fair at Központ. The purpose of the collective is to become organically self-sustaining and able to keep reinventing itself relying on the joy of the creative process instead of its members. This article presents a selection of the Zine Club’s publications.
Guide to Zine Klub
created by: Tamara Bella
The publication doubles as a brochure and sets out the core values of the club – and frankly, what could be more befitting for this purpose than a short publication? The content of the zine is therefore mostly text, with illustrations to convey a special community feel.
I had the time of my life.
created by: Abigél Dérczy, Kata Lakatos, Georgina Nagy
The zine follows the journey of a blue minivan with all the joy, hectic pace, and moments filled with laughter experienced while travelling. On closer inspection, there is even a poster in the middle. The zine is the result of a collaborative effort, with all the artists drawing each page collectively. Since its publication, it has been featured in several festivals.
shadow people
created by: Barna Bakos
Shadow people is a horror zine that explores the phenomenon of ‘shadow figures’, which can be paranormal perception or scientifically explainable optical illusion. It has been inspired by various personal experiences, recreated on photos using a variety of techniques. Prompted by long-standing interest, in addition to giving you a thrill, it wants to convey the message that these creatures don’t need to be feared.
Not being special
created by: Kata Lakatos, Réka Pálfi, Melinda Potondi, Pötyi Szilágyi
The zine is based on the surreal realisation brought on by the familiar feeling of not being special. NOT BEING SPECIAL is actually an aid with pointers on what to do in a situation like this. The solution is hidden on a poster in the middle of the zine, prompting the reader to interact. The zine has been created collaboratively, using a process of association and collage to combine techniques.

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Check out Zine Klub’s Instagram HERE!